Poultry fat
Poultry Fat is the component remaining after solids and moisture has been extracted in the normal rendering process of meat.
- Description
- Physical and Chemical Properties
- Application
- Packaging
Poultry Fat is the component remaining after solids and moisture has been extracted in the normal rendering process of meat. It is used as energy for animal or aquaculture feed.
Poultry Fat is the component remaining after solids and moisture has been extracted in the normal rendering process.
The process is a Dupps continuous falling film two stage evaporator system. The process operates under vacuum with the initial stage operating at about 120° F and the second stage at about 266° F. The product takes about 30 to 40 minutes to pass through the evaporators and is exposed to temperatures as high as 310° F. No ingredients, chemical or other, are added to the finished product.
Poultry Fat is primarily obtained from the tissue of poultry in the commercial process of rendering or extracting.
This finished product is used as an energy source for animal and aquaculture feed and is one of many ingredients that a nutritionist will use to formulate a complete feed.
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